An ode to the most fucking beautiful time of year
The flowers are out, Venus is shining (at night, look up, it’s just over there). We are all angry and we are all grieving, but this is the most fucking beautiful time of year. So today, an ode to angry joy:
Dear everyone walking around outside, ambling, distantly, avoiding one another, thank you, we are all in this together.
Dear strangers in cloth bandanas, breathing your own carbon, thank you for protecting me.
Dear neighbor I’ve never met, I’m weeding my front garden for the first time, beside you, let’s fight these weeds together.
Dear lilacs, fuck you, you smell so good but I’m not allowed to stick my nose in you, I’ll just pretend I’m sniffing you today, sorry I said fuck you, it’s not your fault, maybe I’ll buy a lilac candle online instead.
Dear friends I bump into on the street, but not bump, never bump, but happily stand six feet away from, your masks look so nice, thank you for the air hugs.
Dear Rock Creek Park, you really are endless, thank you for providing us new places to explore, to dive-bomb into bushes so we can avoid passersby.
Dear strangers in windows, howling at the moon at eight o’clock on the dot, let it loose, baby, let out your voice from your shelter-in-bedroom.
Dear people on texts and Zoom and Snaps and what have you, dear people walking on Facetime letting whoever you’re talking to see your dog poo, I see you and everyone trying to connect.
Dear people suffering, dear people who have lost loved ones already, dear people who have lost your jobs or sense of security, I’m so sorry, I will not ignore you, I know sometimes it is not possible to choose joy.
But when you can, grab hold. Take it in your fists, wring it by the neck. Take a nap if you need it, dream, wake up, dream again, and move.
Dear everyone, please listen. We are all angry and we are all grieving, we’re all on our phones and computers for digital connection, it’s still weird but it’s getting less weird, and we all go outside when we can’t take it anymore, because outside is still outside and trees are still trees and flowers are still flowers, and it feels like a joke that right now is the most fucking beautiful time of year, but it still is, so when you are able to take a break from anxiety and anger, please get out there and fucking ENJOY IT.